Friday, January 6, 2012

Dazed and Confused

This post comes to you from Squatter Central (aka a family member's abode).  As I am currently not working, it is necessary for me to leave my house before noon every other Friday for 3-4 hours, so my cleaning fairy can work her magic.  I've found that she's able to to a complete job that way, instead of avoiding the office where I would be (and have been) holed up working or goofing around on the Internet.  With my absence, she's thorough...and I like that.

As it sit in this quiet and cold house, I'm actually getting some things accomplished.  I am returning email, sending resumes to contacts asking for it, making plans for the weekend and keeping in touch with the world around me via Facebook.  It has also gotten me outside of my cave; something which I have only done once this week - excluding this trip.

I'm also trying to do some shopping.  I received nice gift from my parents and was told to 'splurge' on myself.  Problem is, I am part of a DINK household; basically, a large child with paychecks (or unemployment checks at the moment).  After the bills and necessities are paid, there's (usually) plenty of room to play.  The point being, if I want something, I buy it.  Plain and simple.  Needless to say, Christmas and my birthday present quite a challenge for people wanting to 'gift' me.  So here I sit, amazing gift card in email confirmation...and I can't for the life of me, figure out what I want! ARRRGH!

At first, I was interested in a Vitamix blender - it's commercial grade and does almost everything but your dishes for you.  The Vitamix is $500+.  My gift card is very generous...but not THAT generous.  Then I recalled the Ninja Kitchen System infomercials; watched on many an insomnia plagued night/early morning and researched those.  They are much more reasonable at about $160.  Please note: I have a perfectly functioning blender that gets used to puree my famous vodka cream sauce.  So I really don't need a blender.  So I started checking out Move games for my Sony PS3.  Nothing blew my hair back or curled my toes.  I need a pair of running shoes so I can begin training for the Vancouver USA half marathon in June; so I checked out the women's Nike Free Run+ 2 that I just loooove.  Then I remembered that a friend/Nike employee is helping me out with the hook up; I am waiting to hear back from her.  So, no shoes.  WHAT TO DO!?

I guess this is the point where I should say that I am happy, content and all is well with the world.  Don't get me wrong, other than I need to be working, I am very content...but this indecision is driving me C R A Z Y.  It's also annoying me that this indecision could have bearing on other aspects in my life such as my career, family and friends.  As far as being a techie goddess, yes, I love it.  I love answering questions, analyzing problems and arriving at the most viable solution.  I also love to train and teach.  I like to think I am making a difference by educating and empowering...thus aiding people to be better.  I need to find a career path that will encapsulate both of those aspects into one fabulous job.  I may have found it, but cant be quite sure yet.  Again, indecision.  As far as family is concerned, I'm undecided on if I can ask the difficult questions that I need to.  Am I really ready to hear the answers?  Friendships...I'm just not ready to go there.  Make no mistake,  I have a tight circle that includes some of the absolutely, bar none, best in the world.  I know they would travel to the moon and back if I needed it, but there are a few that I am beginning to waffle and wonder about.

It's a terrible thing to not know what you want.  It tends to trickle it's way into many areas of one's life.  All because I can't figure out what to buy.  It may be high time to start asking the hard questions and making the hard decisions.

My solace has now been invaded, and I believe my squatter's rights have been evoked;  for the house has now been invaded by cranky, loudly yelling people who are demanding my attention.  Time to go!

So I'll leave you with this:  What's for dinner?  I just can't decide.

1 comment:

  1. Wowa! heavy post sprinkled with tid bits of epiphanies. First off, Amanda and I juice. I dont do it everyday but probably 3x a week. I have a Juiceman II that I inherited from my dad's house. Id never juiced before but AManda swore by it. Shes my work out buddy for like the last 2 years... She has a great juicer too... Im not sure which one though. For me? I love it! I either do it after my coffee or before I workout and I notice GREAT energy when I workout! YOu also get your servings of veggies and fruit super easily. today I had 3 carrots (LOVE CARROTS) an apple, a squirt of lime, KALE (superfood)... Amanda does beets and collard greens too.. and PEARS are great! All that stuff makes a full glass. No added sugars or anything. It rocks! It also fills you up. I would recommend a straight juicer. I think you would dig it. It can be pricey if you do it everyday hence the reason I do it a few times a week. Great gift for yourself!
